Matilde almesh
Matilde almesh

995–1031), daughter of Herman II, Duke of Swabia, and sister-in-law of Conrad. Soon they made peace and recognised the new king. On the Emperor Henry II's death in 1024, he joined Ernest II, Duke of Swabia, in revolt against the new king, Conrad II. 995–1026), son of Thierry I and Richilde von Blieskastel, daughter of Folmar III, Count in Bliesgau was the count of Bar and duke of Lorraine, co-reigning with his father from 1019. Han antar i stedet at hun var sønnedatterįrederick II (c. Hun skulle i så fall være datter til Gerberge av Burgund i hennes ekteskap med greveĮrich Brandenburg «Die Nachkommen Karls des Grossen» forkaster dette. Mathilde anses av flere å være en halvsøster til keiserinne Gisela av Schwaben, datter til Hermann II av Schwaben M thirdly ESIKO Graf im Schwabengau, son of ADALBERT von Ballenstedt & his wife Hidda von der Nordmark (-). He was titled Duke during the lifetime of his father, sometimes referred to as FREDERIC II Duke of Upper Lotharingia. M secondly (%29 FREDERIC of Upper Lotharingia, son of THIERRY I Duke of Upper Lotharingia & his wife Richilde (-17/). firstly (%29 KONRAD, son of OTTO Duke of Carinthia, Graf im Nahe-, Speier-, und Wormsgau & his wife Judith - (- Dec 1011).

matilde almesh

"Chuonradus…Romanorum imperator augustus" donated property to the church of Worms naming "filii nostri Heinrici Regis, filie quoque nostre Beatricis" for the souls of "parentum nostrorum defunctorum atavi nostri ducis Chuonradi, avie nostre Iudithe, patris nostri Heinrici, patrui nostri ducis Chuonradi eiusque coniugis Mathildis, sororis etiam nostre Iudithe", all buried at Worms Cathedral, by charter dated. The Liber Anniversariorum of Einsiedeln records the death in Jul of "Mechthild soror imperatricis Gislæ". She attended the Easter celebrations at Ingelheim in 1030. However, the Chronicon Sancti Michælis, monasterii in pago Virdunensi names "duabus puellulis Sophia et Beatrice" as daughters of the son of "duce Theodorico", specifying that the empress was their amita and that she adopted them after their father died. The primary source which records her second marriage has not so far been identified. The Annalista Saxo names "Machtildis" as sister of Gisela, wife of Emperor Konrad II, and also names her third husband. The Alberti Milioli Notarii Regini Liber de Temporibus names "comitissam Beatricam…de Gallia…filia comitis Frederic, mater…domina Matilda", but does not give the origin of Mathilde. Wipo names "Mahthilda de filia Chuonradi regis Burgundiæ" as mother of "iunioris Chuononis". Thietmar refers to "Konrad" as son-in-law of Hermann Duke of Swabia, recording that they attacked Strasbourg together after the election of Heinrich II King of Germany in 1002.

matilde almesh

a) MATHILDE (-20 Jul ), bur Worms Cathedral).Grevinne, duchesse de Carinthie, duchesse, de Haute-Lorraine, Comtesse, de Ball, Denna Mathilda kan vara en syster till kejsarinnan Gisela av Schwaben, eller också dotter till denna kejsarinnas äldre halvbror, greve Bernhard II av Werl-Hoevel.

matilde almesh

Half sister of Hermann II, count of Werl Bernhard I, count of Werl and Rudolf von Werl, Graf im Mittleren Friesland Sister of Gisela of Swabia, Holy Roman Empress Hermann III von Öhningen, duke of Swabia Brigitta (Beatrix) von Schwaben, Markgräfin von Kärnten and Berchtold of Swabia Mother of Doda, of Lorraine NN von Kärnten Konrad of Carinthia Bruno of Carinthia Sophie, Countess of Bar and 5 others Frederic III, duke of Upper Lotharingia Beatrice of Lorraine Petronille of Upper Lotharingia Adelaide of Ballenstadt and Adalbert II, count of Ballenstedt. Herzog von Oberlothringen and Esiko, count of Ballenstedt Wife of Aubert Périgord II, Comte de Périgord Konrad I, Duke of Carinthia Friedrich II. "Mechtild von Schwaben", "Matilda /von Swabia/", "Mathilda von WERL", "Mechtilde Countess of Ballenstadt"Īrnsberg, Arnsberg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germanyĭaughter of Herman II, duke of Swabia and Gerberge of Burgundy

matilde almesh

German: Mathilde, French: Mathilde, Italian: Matilde, Dutch: Mathilde, Spanish: Matilde, Russian: Матильда

Matilde almesh